MARCH 1998
New Life Worship Center began on a Sunday morning in the Hudson ISD Auditorium pastored by Tony and Tammy Holder. 40 people were in attendance, and the move of God was undeniable. During the first years of the church the miracles seen, numerous miraculous healings experienced, and the strong near presences of the Lord is the most memorable theme and the confirmation that
this church plant was indeed the will of God.
“New Life was born during in a time in our life where we were really lost and hurt in ministry. God spoke to Tony to start a church, so we stepped out on nothing and started a church” - Tammy Holder
MAY 1999
Hudson ISD closed the door to outside use of the Auditorium. Divine intervention gave opportunity for New Life Worship Center to move to Downtown Lufkin, and to what we affectionally call, The Alamo. Previously known to the community as a blues bar, the transition would be challenging however, Pastor Tony had a vision in his spirit, and Mrs. Tammy had faith in her heart. Many days and nights of hard labor made a dirty bar, into a church home that was their very own.
“When we got kicked out of the auditorium we went on a tear to find something, and found a building downtown on 101 Sheppard Street. We were a church in the heart of the city, ministering to the heart of the people” - Tony Holder
The Lord had spoken to Pastor Tony and Mrs. Tammy about a building on 103 West. Rapid growth of the church had caused the downtown location to be much too small for long term use. Through miraculous circumstance God made way for New Life to move into a building they could make their permanent and forever home.
“It was a Saturday night and Tony and I were at a conference in Columbus, TX. We gave an offering of all the money we had together and went to the alter. Out of hundreds of pastors, Rev. Rod Parsley stopped in front of us, pointed his finger at us, and said ‘The church is YOURS’. The next morning Brother Charles Williams called us on the phone, the previous owner of the 103 building, and said, ‘I don’t know what we need to do to make this happen, but the Lord spoke to me and said THE CHURCH IS YOURS’. ” - Tammy Holder
With a new building, many days and nights of making chicken spaghetti plates, BBQ plates, and pecan pies to ensure bills were paid made conversation heightened to how this ministry could run more independently. Thus, Kovenant Kids Preschool was born. The now 20 year old daycare center has ministered to thousands of children and families, as well as serves as a financial giant for the safety and seamless flow of the ministry. These humble beginnings produced character and determination that would be one of the many foundations of the ministry’s ultimate success.
“Kovenant Kids Preschool changed the make-up of this church” - Tony Holder
MARCH 2017
The vision came to life. Multiple 18 wheelers crossed the threshold onto our property as they hauled thousands of pounds of steel that would make up the new 15,000 square foot building. This building would include a new sanctuary, offices, coffee shop, visitors center, and more. No designer, architect, or plans were needed. Starting with a pencil, a paper napkin, and a whole lot of passion every detail of this building was dreamed from the floor up by our founding Pastors, Tony and Tammy Holder.
“I had prophesied about this building for years with no tangible results. Many people said it would never happen, but I knew I had heard from the Lord. It all happened in his perfect timing.” - Tony Holder
FEBruARY 2018
The dream continues - quickly! LifeCourts is a 24,000 square foot double-full-court basketball gym, that connects to the church. Included in this building is a cafe and concession stand, up-stairs seating and game room, gymnastics room, and more. This was a dream that ran deep in Pastor Tony and Tammy, as they were saved together at 18 years-old through their love and hobby of basketball. The vision of this venue is to be a blessing to the community, and make relationships that will change people’s lives forever.
“In our hometown of Trinity, Texas, Pastor Mike Lofton would play basketball with us every night. We had no idea he was even a pastor. Through relationships made on the basketball court we were willing to attend church when he invited us. It was a total set up, Tony and I went to the alter and together, on the same day, we gave our hearts to the Lord.”
- Tammy Holder
Additional property was purchased to the left and right of the New Life campus. 12 acres to the right, and 1 acre including two homes to the left. With lots of space to work with, more vision is to come. The details are still being decided, but one thing is certain. When God speaks, Pastor Tony and Tammy Holder move.
“After many years of dreaming for a place to call home for struggling women, this year God has opened that door for our ministry. We are looking forward to serving women and children of this community as they transition from a life of struggle to success though temporary live-in training at a future facility, still in the planning stages, on our campus. Our life is a living testimony that Jesus can make your dreams come true!” - Tammy Holder